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ExYUsingles - Istorijat muzike ex YU
  Barikada - World Of Music - Arhiva 29

 Basheskia - Prvo mjesto na Top 100 Balkanmedia TV

Basheskijin spot za pjesmu "Blablabla Bla" (slika lijevo) sa njegovog albuma "23/23" objavljenog u produkciji izdavacke kuce Gramofon, na prvom je mjestu liste stotinu najcesce trazenih i emitiranih spotova u proteklih sedam dana na satelitskom kanalu Balkanmedia TV. Na ovom najgledanijem muzickom kanalu u regionu, na drugom mjestu spomenute liste nalazi se bosanskohercegovacki bend, mostarski Zoster sa spotom za pjesmu "Policija", sa njihovog prvog albuma "Ojuzilo". U samom vrhu Top 100 Balkanmedia TV nalazi se i Sikter sa svoje dvije pjesme - "My Music" i "Don't You Miss Me", te jos jedan Basheskijin spot za pjesmu "1" sa maxi singlea "Postcard From Sunny Neighbourhood". Spomenute pjesme se vec nekoliko mjeseci emitiraju u emisijama Balkanmedia TV i MTV Adria. "Volio bih da se spotovi novih bh. grupa mogu vidjeti i na domacim kanalima i da je nova domaca muzika bolje i sistematicnije zastupljena u domacim medijima", prokomentirao je Basheskia i dodao: "Nadam se kako ce muzicki urednici u bh medijima ponuditi svojim gledateljima i slusateljima bogatiji muzicki izbor, tako da nove generacije imaju priliku saznati sta sve postoji na muzickoj sceni Bosne i Hercegovine, te steci dojam o postojecim muzickim trendovima."

 Autor: Alma Gojak, Sarajevo, BiH.
 RoadHouse - Biography

RoadHouse was formed in 1991 by Gary Boner, ably assisted throughout by the driving bass of Bill Hobley and the the powerful drumming of Roger Hunt. Seizing on an eclectic mix of influences from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Creedence Clearwater Revival, the band has developed a sound all of its own. In the words of a recent Blues Matters review: "They veer towards the rocky side of the Blues, but are clearly Blues based and play in a punchy style with musicianship of the highest quality". Having played over 1,500 gigs in the years since (more than 800 of which have been on the London circuit) the band have kept their sets consistently thrilling, mainly thanks to prolific songwriting from Boner and a carefully tailored mix of original and cover material. The band's gig diary is peppered with dates at many prestigious venues, such as The Marquee, The Cartoon, The Borderline, The Worcester Park Club - and the band recently enjoyed lengthy residencies at The Bulls Head in Barnes, a renowned Blues and Jazz Club currently celebrating it's 50th year of live music, and The Torrington in North Finchley. Over the last 24 months, RoadHouse have also played at many major Blues festivals, including The Guiness Blues Festival, Castlebar, Ireland; The Merton Abbey Mills Blues Festival, London; The Boogaloo Blues Festival, Bognor; The Isle Of Wight Blues Festival, Norton Grange; The Colne Blues Festival, Lancashire; The Festival of Blues and Rock, Skegness. 2004 has seen reappearances by the band at Colne and the MRA Hickling Blues Festival, amongst others... (...JG 111).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Fun Factory & Detour

Ufuraj se u ljetnu spiku! Uz danonocno tulumarenje i ostale uobicajene morske radosti, budi dio super - ludo & nezaboravno - urnebesne zabave uz T-mobile Fun Factory & partyje na svakom koraku jadranske obale i otoka! U sklopu Fun Factory turneje mozes pogledati i live nastup grupe Detour koja ce predstaviti svoj novi album. Album kojeg ce zagrebacki Aquarius Records objaviti tijekom jeseni 2006. godine. Njihovi nastupi predvidjeni su u sljedecim danima / mjestima: 16.07.2006. od 17 do 19h - plaza Zrce, Novalja, otok Pag; 28.07.2006. od 17 do 19h - plaza Zaton, Zadar; 04.08.2006. - od 17 do 19h - plaza Copacabana, Dubrovnik ... jer ako niste znali - ljeto je odavno pocelo...

 Autor: Ivana Futivic, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
 Damir Imamovic Trio - Predstavljanje

Damir Imamovic rodjen je 1978. godine u Sarajevu. U sevdah ga je odvela monografija "Pjesma srca moga - 100 najljepsih pjesama Zaima Imamovica" koju je zajedno sa Farah Tahirbegovic uredio za sarajevski buybook. Do tada je zavrsio studij filozofije na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu i bio na putu akademske karijere u filozofiji. Takodjer se bavio prevodilastvom, vodjenjem debatnih programa i povremeno profesionalno nastupao kao muzicar. Pocetkom 2006. godine osniva Damir Imamovic Trio (DI3) kako bi prosirio svoje istrazivanje sevdaha. S Triom, nakon serije koncerata u Sarajevu, snima prvi CD pod nazivom "Damir Imamovic Trio svira standarde", koji se pojavljuje u izdanju buybooka, kuce s kojom vec vise godina ostvaruje izuzetno zanimljivu saradnju. Jedna od takvih zanimljivosti je i program "sevdah ri'pAblik" u okviru kojeg DI3 odrzava redovne koncerte u Caféu Karabit.

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Peter White - Biography

Peter White was born in 1954 in Luton, about 30 miles north of London, England. His father encouraged him to play music - so he started on the recorder, then the piano, guitar, clarinet, cornet, trombone and violin. He was about 8 when hu first started playing the guitar. At school he started to play the piano. His career started with playing in various bands. One day the phone rang - it was Al Stewart's manager, looking for a keyboard player to join Al on a British tour. He became member of his band. It meant that he is now professional musician. Playing with Al was to become his introduction to the world of recording and international touring, a gig which was to last almost 20 years. Now, Peter White has very successful solo musical career, numerous albums and a lot of fans. For more info visit: . (...JG 110).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Damir Halilic Hal - Trilogy

Dancing Bear ponosno predstavlja novi album Damira Halilica Hala - globalno priznatog gitaristu iz Rijeke, mahera finger style tehnike. Povod je trosturuki album "Trilogy" (na slici) koji je snimljen na relaciji Nashville - Rim - London - Zagreb, uz sudjelovanje eminentnih svjetskih glazbenika. Promocija albuma "Trilogy" dogodit ce se u Splitu, 08. srpnja (subota) 2006. godine, u Dioklecijanovim podrumima s pocetkom u 18h. "Trilogy" se sastoji od tri zanrovski razlicita CD-a sa autorskom glazbom. Na prvom CD-u je 15 kompozicija za solo akusticnu gitaru kojima se nastavlja prica zapoceta na ranijim albumima - "Ocean" i "Infinity". Drugi album sadrzava fusion glazbu, dok je treci album nastavak ranije objavljenog "Gemini" i obuhvaca pop / rock glazbu. "Trilogy" je, uzevsi u obzir relacije na kojima je snimljen i imena koja na njemu gostuju, definitivno jedan od najvecih projekata hrvatske diskografije. Svim nestrpljivcima i onima zeljnim dodatnih informacija preporucujemo da svrate na . (...JG 114) .

 Autor: Tanja Milosevic, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
 Ben Folds - Biography

Ben Folds (full name: Benjamin Scott Folds) played in a band name Majosha around early 1988 and they played their first gig at Duke University's Battle of the Bands. They won. They played bars and frat parties for a while. They recorded "Shut Up and Listen to Majosha." They also borrowed Evan Olsen from Chuck Folds' band, the DT's at about the same time. Various tracks on "Shut Up..." feature Dave, Chris or Ben on drums and/or Evan, Ben or Millard doing vocals. In early 1990 Majosha broke up, and Ben formed Pots and Pans with Evan Olsen (bass) and Brett "Snuzz" Uzzell (guitar & vocals). Ben played drums. They only lasted for about a month, after which Evan and Snuzz went on to form Bus Stop. As a side project, Ben has been working with producer Caleb Southern (who produced their first two albums) on an instrumental (electronica, sounding "like Air or the Propellerheads") album under the name Fear of Pop. Fear of Pop is finished and was released September 17th, 1998.. It contains, among other things, a track entitled "In Love" which features William Shatner doing spoken word... (...JG 110).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Bascarsijske noci 2006 - Nastup grupe Zoster

Mostarska grupa Zoster nastupit ce u okviru festivala Bascarsijske noci u subotu 15. jula 2006. godine u Kolobara hanu, Sarajevo. Nakon koncerta na Reggae Lakesplash Festivalu odrzanom na Iverickom jezeru u Sloveniji, koncert u Sarajevu ce uslijediti prije ponovnog gostovanja Zostera na koncertima u zemljama regije. Tako ce se pocetkom augusta 2006. Zoster predstaviti na Istria In Reggae Festivalu u Hrvatskoj, te na festivalu u Kopru, a po prvi put odrzat ce koncert i u Gorazdu, 11. augusta 2006. u okviru Festivala prijateljstva. U medjuvremenu, Zoster zavrsava rad na svom novom, drugom po redu albumu radnog naziva "Festival budala". Album ce pocetkom jeseni 2006. biti objavljen u produkciji sarajevske izdavacke kuce Gramofon. Kako saznajemo od clanova grupe Zoster, na koncertu u sarajevskoj Kolobari, s pocetkom u 21.00h, predstavit ce osim pjesama sa prvog albuma "Ojuzilo" i pjesme koje ce se naci na njihovom novom albumu. Neke od novih pjesmama poput "Utopije", "Ko je jamio, jamio" ili "Realna TV" vec neko vrijeme se nalaze na Zosterovom koncertnom repertoaru i vec su omiljene medju publikom.

 Autor: Alma Gojak, Sarajevo, BiH.
 Mark Hussey - Biography

Mark Hussey has been writing music since about 12 years old when living in Cyprus. He dropped working as a waiter when he reached 14 years old and began touring hotels and small cruise ships, playing standards for tourists as well as night clubs. Following his return to England in 1997, he started various bands performing and recording his original music in styles ranging from blues through rock to pop music. More recently Mark has been more focused on his original blues project and song writing for Katie Neiman. His music only became available on his personal website in February this (2006) year and since has been awarded countless awards on garagebands website and is currently number 1 with the song "Runaway dog blues". Recently Mark Hussey recorded a gutsy rock blues ballad called "Some people" with a stunning vocal performance from Dom Hammond and Gary Moore style guitar work that resulted in thousands of downloads. For more info visit: . (...JG 110).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Ibrica Jusic - Kavana Mediteran

Zastitni znak grada Dubrovnika, njegovog znamenitog Straduna i skalina, Ibrica Jusic, nakon 20 godina, objavio je autorski album pod nazivom "Kavana Mediteran". Ibrica Jusic je "u kavani Mediteran" ugostio gudace - obitelj Rucner, zatim Sasu Lenjak, te klapu "Nostalgija". Produkciju albuma potpisuje Elvis Stanic. Ibrica Jusic je kantautor sansona i zabavne muzike. Bosanskog je porijekla, iz Mostara, a zivi u Dubrovniku. Prvi album objavio je 1975. godine, kad stice i svejugoslavensku diskografsku slavu. To se posebno odnosi na njegove rane radove: "Macka", "Dobro jutro, Margareta", "Ponoc", "Jubi san vasu cer", ali i skladanjem stihova Shakespearea, Brechta, Paljetka, Antica, Britvica i drugih. Prekretnica u radu bio je prvi simfonijski album "Ibrica" (1981), uradjen u bogatim mediteranskim aranzmanima starijeg brata, maestra Djele Jusica, koji je za Ibricu napisao antologijske pjesme, poput: "Salom Sarah", "U svakom slucaju te volim", "Na Stradunu" i druge. Prije dvije godine Ibrica Jusic je odao hommage svojoj prvoj, duhovnoj domovini i zemlji svojih roditelja, Bosni i Hercegovini, snimivsi u novim modernim aranzmanima citav niz najljepsih bosanskih sevdalinki, objavljenih na albumu "Amanet". Dosadasnja diskografija: "Celulodni pajac", "Stranac", "Ponoc", "Jagoda" (single, Jugoton, 1968.); "Golubica", "Kada jednom budes sama" (single, Jugoton, 1969.); "Jos uvijek ne znam neke vazne stvari", "Mala kavana" (single, Jugoton, 1969.); "Macka", "Morem plovi dragi tvoj" (single, Jugoton, 1970.); "Nemoj ici", "Nikolina", "Ave Maria", "Ana" (single, Jugoton, 1970.); "Ibrica Jusic" (Jugoton, 1974.); "Skaline od sudbine" (Jugoton, 1975.); "Nostromo" (Jugoton, 1976.); "Emina" (Jugoton, 1977.); "Ne dajte da vas zavedu" (Jugoton, 1978.); "Covjek bez kafica" (Jugoton, 1980.); "Ibrica" (Jugoton, 1981.); "La Vie" (Jugoton, 1985.); "Retrospektiva" (Croatia Records, 1994.); "Dan prije - Live in ZeKaeM", (Dancing Bear, 1998.), "Amanet" (Dancing Bear, 2003.) i "Kavana Mediteran" (Dancing Bear, 2006.). (...JG 115).

 Autor: Tanja Milosevic, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
 Rick Braun, USA - Biography

If Allentown, Pennsylvania native Rick Braun had his way, he would be a drummer today. Rick traces his critical decision to the third grade at Allentown's now-demolished Stevens Elementary School. "With a big family and a small house, drums weren't exactly smiled upon." The trumpet, his eventual instrument of choice, was a "little less painful" for other family members than his other choice - the violin. Today, no one is complaining. It seems that music was always going to be Braun's career choice, even when he was a student at Trexler Middle School and Dieruff High. "I really couldn't do anything else. Mine was a career by default. I always had this love of music, and it always came fairly easily to me. It hasn't been a real struggle for me. From an early age, I was playing along with all the Herb Alpert records." The form and direction of Rick's musical career has changed over time, however. While attending the prestigious Eastman School of Music, Rick took up with other like-minded musicians and formed a group, Auracle, a jazz-fusion group. Rick has worked as a sideman, touring with such rock and pop stars as Rickie Lee Jones, Sade, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, Glenn Frey, Natalie Cole, Tom Petty, Crowded House, Phoebe Snow and of course, War. (...JG 110).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Basheskia - Nastup u Atmejdan muzickom paviljonu

U okviru redovitih muzickih nastupa koji se svakog petka u 20.00h organiziraju u Atmejdan muzickom paviljonu u Sarajevu, ovog petka (14.07.2006.) predstavit ce se Basheskia. On iza sebe ima dva objavljena CD-a, oba u produkciji Gramofona: maxi single "Postcard From Sunny Neighboarhood", objavljen je 2004. godine, a album pod nazivom "23/23" na trzistu se pojavio pocetkom ove (2006.) godine. Svoj muzicki pravac sam autor naziva "naivnim popom", a neki od medija njegov su album ocijenili jednim od najboljih izdanja postratne bosanske produkcije. Basheskia u svojim pjesmama govori o univerzalnim ljudskim vrijednostima u ljubavi, prijateljstvu, nedoumicama, ljubomori i zbunjenosti. U Atmejdanu ce nastupit zajedno sa Edwardom EQ, sa kojim se prosle godine predstavio u Sarajevu, ali i na Arboresence Festivalu u francuskom Aix-en-Provenceu.

 Autor: Alma Gojak, Sarajevo, BiH.
 Richard Elliot, USA - Biography

Like a booming metropolis, saxman Richard Elliot is a rhythmic force of funk and fire, diverse and distinctive, passionate and powerful, soulful and seductive. A consistent chart-topper, Elliot released the Metro Blue album on June 28th. It's his fourteenth solo collection, yet his debut for the newly launched ARTizen Music Group record label, of which he is a partner. Elliot's emotive sax and Rick Braun's muted trumpet and flugelhorn help set the tone on the first track being serviced to smooth jazz radio, a cover of The Stylistics' moody classic, "People Make The World Go Round." To help launch and support the album release, Elliot is teaming with Braun, White and Jonathan Butler for the luminous Jazz Attack U.S. concert tour, with dates now through summer. Although his career began in a recording studio backing Motown legends such as Smokey Robinson and The Temptations, the stage has always been a big part of Elliot's repertoire ever since he was a teenager when he toured with Melissa Manchester. He went on to spend five formative years performing with Tower Of Power. While his highly successful solo recording career has made him an icon in the contemporary jazz radio world, Elliot has always devoted a tremendous amount of time and energy to his live performance schedule, one that helped him connect with fans across the country, forging an enduring relationship. (...JG 110).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Brandysh - Nove nade

Brandysh were founded in 2003, this band exploded on the scene of Viena in March 2003. In short period of time, Brandysh had half a dozen gigs organized around Vienna including 2xAERA, Hochstrahlbrunnen (open air), Donauinselfest (open air) and Twin Horn MC festival in Pula, Croatia (open air) where they opened the festival on day 2 before an audience of 4,000-5,000 heavily drunk but satisfied motorcycle freaks... (August 2003). In July 2004, the band performed in the final round of the world's biggest band-contest Emergenza at Arena, Wien before an audience of 2000. Brandysh define their music as EVIL POP with bunch of bad-ass, melodic pop melodic elements, combined with heavy drum and bass rhythms and surprising breaks supported by sizzling keyboard sounds. Attending a Brandysh live performance, definitely means one thing: surprizes, as this band is not afraid to break some ground rules in order to upstage any expectation you might have had of it prior to their live gig.: inconvenient cover songs, sexually oriented stunts, communication with the audience - you name it. More info: .

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.

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Davor Matosevic - videos
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Rock Otocec 2010
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Web portal Pljuga
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Andjelko Jurkas (HR) - Bez rocka trajanja (Knjiga + CD)
Reklamno mjesto 8
Gary Talley (USA) - Guitar Playing for Songwriters
Reklamno mjesto 9

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