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Dragutin Matosevic feat. Esad Prcic - Tulipani

ExYUsingles - Istorijat muzike ex YU
  Barikada - World Of Music - Arhiva 90

  William Rottman (USA) - Portrait

William Rottman is singer / songwriter, guitarist and multi-instrumentalist. His sound (rock / pop / alternative music) blends the energy of the late 60's with the contemporary edge of today's Adult Contemporary Rock. William's new 11-song CD entitled "After So Long" is finally here and is slated for release in February of 2008. "After So Long" reflects Rottman's ability to create a mood with a solid songwriting style of his own. His vocal style has been compared to Adam Levine (Maroon 5), Patrick Monahan (Train) and James Taylor. Recorded throughout summer and fall of 2006 / 2007, the musicians on the album have played with Ray Charles, Pink, Coldplay, Gwen Stefani, Joe Jackson, Stewart Copeland and more. "I've had the pleasure of working with so many great musicians in New York City I wanted them to be a part of my new sound." says Rottman. William Rottman is currently shopping his music internationally and performing to audiences all over New York City, Toronto, Canada and different parts of the world preparing for his upcoming tour. Web link: . (...JG 183).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Umro Ike Turner

Umro je Ike Wister Turner (05.11.1931. - 12.12.2007.) Rijec je o americkom muzicaru i producentu, poznatijem po radu sa svojom bivsom suprugom u duetu pod imenom Ike & Tina Turner (najpoznatiji njihovi hitovi su: "A Fool In Love", "It's Gonna Work Out Fine", "River Deep Mountain High"). Njegova muzicka karijera proteze se kroz vremenski period od pola stoljeca, a svirao je blues, soul, rock i funk. 1991. godine je postao clan Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a od 2001. je uvrsten i u St. Louis Walk of Fame. Ike Turner je umro u 76. godini u svom domu u gradu San Marcos, California, USA. 2007. godine Ike Turner je dobio nagradu Grammy u kategoriji Tradicionalni blues album za muziku sa svog albuma "Risin' With the Blues". (...JG 184).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Full Flavor (SRB) - Portret

Full Flavor (alternative / rock / blues bend, Beograd, Srbija) su: Nemanja Filipovic - vokali; Ivan Propadovic - gitare, vokali; Nikola Mitrovic - bas gitara; Dejan Zdravevski - klavijature, saksofon, vokali; Sinisa Stupar - bubnjevi, percussions. Bend Full Flavor je osnovan februara 2004. godine u Beogradu. Aprila 2006. godine Full Flavor, konacno, krece sa radom u sadasnjem sastavu. Decembra 2005. godine Full Flavor osvaja 2. mjesto na takmicenju demo bendova u organizaciji Radija 202, a u avgustu 2006. godine na 40. Zajecarskoj gitarijadi, u veoma jakoj konkurenciji uz jos pet odlicnih bendova koji su se takodje nasli u finalu, Full Flavor osvaja 1. mjesto. Zahvaljujuci gostovanjima na svirkama koje je organizovao Radio 202, imali su priliku da obidju veliki broj mjesta sirom Srbije, a 20-tak puta su nastupali u Beogradu. Samostalne svirke ili udruzeni sa nekim bendovima imali su po klubovima Beograda, Zemuna, Smedereva, Novog Sada... Web link: . (...JG 183).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Gus Lambros & Electric Mud (USA) - Portrait

Gus Lambros & Electric Mud is blues / rock band from Columbus, Ohio, United States of America. Gus Lambros & Electric Mud is featuring music from the growl of ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons to the bends of Freddy King and about every other guitar player that has hit the scene over the past thirty years. Electric Mud has shared the stage with national acts Robin Trower, Blue Oyster Cult, Kings X, Joan Jett and Rick Derringer in the recent past. The band has built a following via performances, mailings and the World Wide Web. Band members are: Gus Lambros (Guitar, vocals), Jan Roll (drums, vocal) and Scott Brammer (bass). Gus Lambros & Electric Mud are currently promoting their album "Bad Gamble". Web link: . (...JG 183).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  DO Klub obozavalaca stripa, Novi Sad - Najveca berza gramofonskih ploca u Vojvodini

Kao urednik baze podataka exYUsingles cesto sam pitan / moljen / preklinjan da posjetiteljima, a postovateljima muzike sa muzicke scene ex YU, prodam / presnimim ovu ili onu gramofonsku plocu. Iz razumljivih razloga nisam bio u mogucnosti udovoljiti svim tim zahtijevima. Mislim da sam zainteresovanima za sve naprijed navedeno nasao pravo rjesenje. Ono se zove: Drustvena organizacija "Klub obozavalaca stripa", Novi Sad, Kralja Aleksandra 10 / I (tel. 021 6624 723). Taj klub otkupljuje / prodaje / mijenja / i snima muziku sa gramofonskih ploca (iz ex YU i iz ostatka svijeta). Koliko sam mogao procijeniti, boraveci kratko u tom objektu, na raspolaganju im je nekoliko desetaka hiljada gramofonskih ploca, raznih formata - singles, extended plays, LPs... i to po veoma povoljnim cijenama. Do vas je da ih kontaktirate i zadovoljite svoju dusu. Na istoj adresi, zamislite, mozete nabaviti i razne stripove. Za vise informacija evo jos jednog kontakta - e-mail: . Sa srecom!

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Age Of Evil (USA) - Portrait

Age Of Evil is metal / rock / thrash band from Scottsdale, Arizona, United States of America. Bound by blood, two sets of teenage brothers are delivering a level of electrifying talent to the world of metal that would be uncommon for any age group. With the release of their debut album, "Living A Sick Dream", Age Of Evil is ready to unleash their angst, brutality and metal upon the world. Combining their own fresh exciting new twist with old school metal, Age Of Evil is already recognized for a sound that rivals the majestic madness of national metal bands. With shredding guitar solos, intense vocals, driving drum beats, and thundering bass, AOE is determined to reach the top and stand the test of time. Prepare yourself to be blown away by the future of heavy metal. "Despite the fact that the guys in Age of Evil were not even born when old school metal peaked, they seem to have an extremely firm grasp on it - even more than some of the actual veterans of the genre who are still playing it. Because of that, they have the "new / old school" sound down to a science and have considerably upped the ante for metal of the future...", said Marty Friedman (former guitarist of Megadeth). Web links: or . (...JG 183).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Regina (BiH) - Koncert u Tuzli (14.12.2007.)

Jedini koncert u Tuzli, sarajevskih klinaca, pop-rock atrakcije, Regina, bio je jos davne, 1991. godine, u Klubu Palma. Ponovo, ovaj put, muzicki i zivotno nesto ozbiljniji, Davor Ebner i ostali ljepotani iz benda Regina, u petak 14. decembra 2007. godine ponovo su u Klubu Palma. Ovaj puta ce promovirati svoj posljednji CD, "Sve mogu ja...". Clanove grupe Regina ceka vruca klubska atmosfera Kluba Palma, a prve redove djevojaka cekat ce Davora!!! Obavezno pogledati ovaj koncert, a dobar povod tome je i obiljezavanje 20 godina uspjesnog rada Kluba Palma!!! After Party - DJ Borg, house dance caffe area, DJ Maggi, happy music, big floor!!! Ulaz : 5 KM, prodaja ulaznica na dan koncerta, od 20 h.

 Autor: Maid Porobic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Steppin' Out (D) - Portrait

In the late 80's Hugo W. Scholz, Frank Pecher, Marcus Wickel and 16 additional musicians were members of the BluesBigBand. They released two CDs ("Live!" / "Cowards & Money") and toured around Germany and neighboring countries. In 1997, Scholz and Pecher, who had already been working together as a duo, decided to create their own band. They founded Steppin' Out with Wickel from BluesBigBand and bassist Jürgen Bock. In 1999 they released the CD "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service" which was declared a must-buy CD in BluesNews, the most popular blues magazine in Germany. Steppin' Out performed as the last act at festivals such as Bluesfest Hessen, Schleswig Holstein Bluesfestival and the Hessen Jazzfestival. In April 2003, the CD "Tomorrow Today" was released under the Acoustic Music Records label and was distributed wordwide through Zomba. None other than saxophonist Dick Heckstall-Smith (Colosseum, Alexis Korner, John Mayall, Hamburg Bluesband) can be heard on this CD with several of his last recordings. Solely contemporary and song-oriented blues tracks can be heard on this CD which once again proves that this genre is still alive and continues to grow. The CD is internationally highly acclaimed. The band is currently working on their new CD, "Home", which will be released at the beginning of 2008. Web link: . (Headliner ...JG 182).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  John Andrew Parks (USA) - Portrait

John Andrew Parks is other / southern rock / experimental musician from Fredericksburg, Texas, United States of America. He's the seven-pound star sapphire you find hidden among the boulders in your backyard. The lost Picasso someone's trying to unload at a garage sale. The rare coin jingling among the change in your pocket. John Andrew Parks was signed by the illustrious Bruce Lundvall at Capitol Records. Capitol released his first self-titled album, produced by John Andrew, John Boylan and Jerry Crutchfield, to much critical acclaim. It included his original full-length version of "Planet Texas", still a staple at "Texas Rebel Radio". The music community continues to herald his unique sound and style. Jim Fogelsong, a Lifetime Achievement Grammy winner, commented: "John Andrew Parks' influence will be felt for decades to come." Web link: . (...JG 183).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Stanislav Sasha Simicic (SRB) - Portrait

Stanislav Sasha Simicic is pop / rock / funk musician from Novi Sad, Vojvodina , Serbia. "When I was a kid in school, and when I did something wrong, they made me sing and play accordion - that was punishement!!! :))) I used to work for many years in night clubs as a DJ, long before my singer career... I worked also as a radio speaker ("One man music show")... In 1997 I came up with my first texts and ideas regarding my now existing songs. With my group called "Sveti gral" I've came into decent studio called "Drum", Novi Becej, Serbia. Beside my own and Radomir Miljojkovic's texts for my songs, Jovan Lucic had a big infuence in whole project. Ljubomir Stancic was a producer, while the postproduction was made at the "Academy" in Novi Sad, Serbia. Two songs were played and mixed by Sasha Lokner. Album was published in 1999 by Serbian Broadcasting Corporation - PGP-RTS. I made three videos out of it release - first was made by Dushan Aradski "Apokalipsa" (Merlin media), second - "Dobar dan, ljubavi" (Channel 9), and third - "Ona je luda" (I did by myself)". Web link for more information: . (...JG 183).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Busmani (SRB) - Portret

Busmani su nastali pocetkom maja mjeseca 1999. godine. Prvobitna ideja na kojoj se insistiralo i na kojoj se i danas zasniva rad benda je bila da se pravi svoja muzika. Pravac kojem se tezilo je bio punk-rock. Ali je ta forma vremenom dobila drugaciji oblik. U najvecoj mjeri zbog gitara koje konkretnim rifom prave melodiju, a obojene su "masnijom" distorzijom, pa zbog toga i zvuk malo vuce na heavy metal. "Mi nemamo strah, mi ne gubimo dah" - stih je koji Busmane nosi sa sobom, daje im snagu i salje poruku kada zivot i sve sto on sa sobom nosi, dodje po svoje. Zahvaljujuci "Busmanskoj" upornosti i velikom trudu i radu, i sam grad iz koga poticu osjetio je promjene. Od "posljednjih Mohikanaca" koji se ne predaju, nastalo je novo pleme. Pleme mladih, zdravih i pametnih ljudi koji su sebe (lose drustveno navodjeni) trazili po "diskotekama" i "kaficima" (koji su vise licile na usminkane birtije, nego na ono za sta se prodaju), a pronasli se u malom (uvijek je tako). ali odabranom drustvu svjesnih, odgovornih i hrabrih. Pleme od tridesetak mladica i devojaka vec se naoruzalo gitarama i bubnjevima i poklic pobune se vec cuje. Formiraju se novi bendovi, obradjuje se i "skida" muzika cija neunistiva vrijednost se prenosi sa kolena na koleno. Prave vrijednosti nikada ne prolaze, mogu se samo na silu gurati u stranu, ali se uvijek vracaju na mjesto na kojem pripadaju. Busmani su: Goran Sobotovic - Shole; Dejan Adzic - Adzija; Stefan Ivanovic - Joe; Bosko Vujic. Web link: . (...JG 182).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
  Nove nade - The Karambol (VK, HR)

The Karambol je vinkovacki bend koji je nastao pod utjecajem Sex Pistolsa, davne 1980. godine. Bende je sa svirkama poceo u vinkovackom Omladinskom domu. Decki koji su nekada cinili bend, a cine ga i danas su: Bakara za gitarom, Steve za basom i Marof za bubnjevima. Njih trojica uvijek su bili jezgra benda, kroz kojega je proslo jos nekolicina znacajnih imena. U radu su imali i jednu duzu pauzu. Decki kazu kako nikada nisu ni prestali svirati. Uvijek su bili frendovi i svirali su radi zabave i zezancije. Nikad nisu imali potrebe dokazivati se, jer se nisu ni smatrali glazbenicima, nego samo bendom. Specificno je to sto The Karambol danas zvuci puno bolje i zesce. Isti prizvuk originalnog The Karambol zvuka je ostao isti. Pjesme nastale u 80-tim niposto ne odskacu od onih nastalih u 2007. godini. Ove godine snimljene su pjesme: "Svirepo i brutalno", "Pobuna" i "Djetinjstvo". Trenutnu postavu benda The Karambol cine: Bakara - vokal, gitara; Marof & Hrco - bubnjevi; Fuzy - bass, prateći vokali; Hrc - gitara. Web link: . (...JG 182).

 Autor: Marija Renic, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
  Urbi et orbi: Pop And Rock Music History Of Koprivnica

Rock and roll - what is this? I think that almost each progressive music, in determine time, in determine form and in a certain unexplainably way, have inside of itself good spirit of rock and roll. By the way, music is developed with technological and social structure, with tendentiousness that all local come to be global without clear causalities in stable phase evaluating but without to come at own equilibrium. Washes between music and societies are often reciprocities; all new in music reflects itself on society and on the contrary - all new in society reflects itself on music but heuristic methods in this theory are hard to be used. Sociality and spiritually reflection in rock music conditionality his legislate process and integrated and adapted in individuals which are reflections like unadulterated incomprehension personality freedom because - rock and roll is the way of life also. "Small encyclopedia of Koprivnica pop and rock music" + (short English version) - Base of pop and rock music history in Koprivnica" (book was published 25th November, 2007. In Koprivnica / Croatia and short English version published 20 day earlier on by Darko Budna / .

 Autor: Darko Budna, Koprivnica, Hrvatska.
| 81 - 90 | 91 |
| 41 - 50 | 51 - 60 | 61 - 70 | 71 - 80 |
| 01 - 10 | 11 - 20 | 21 - 30 | 31 - 40 |

Davor Matosevic - videos
Reklamno mjesto 5
Rock Otocec 2010
Reklamno mjesto 6
Web portal Pljuga
Reklamno mjesto 7

Andjelko Jurkas (HR) - Bez rocka trajanja (Knjiga + CD)
Reklamno mjesto 8
Gary Talley (USA) - Guitar Playing for Songwriters
Reklamno mjesto 9

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