- World Of Music - Backstage 2007 |
17.12.2007. - Prishtina, Kosovo |
50 Cent
17.12.2007., Prishtina, Kosovo
Mega car eventa na Balkanu - Login Kociski!
17.12.2007. godine - 50 Cent koncert - Prishtina / Kosovo
Organizaciju open air koncerta 50 Centa u Prishtini krajem
decembra 2007. godine trebalo je shvatiti kao "nemoguću misiju", jer ako se
uzmu u obzir
poznate (hladnoća
od -10 stepeni C, politička situacija, tehničke mogućnosti postojeće infrastrukture,
itd), ali i mnoge očekivane, a nepoznate činjenice - onda, sada, kada je sve
prošlo - možemo reći da su Login Kociski i ekipa Lithium Recordsa iz Skoplja
uz pomoć prijatelja iz Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije - ostvarili zaista nemogući
zadatak! Suvišno je bilo što više reći - pogledajte fotke i prosurfajte sajtovima...
Ono što još treba naglasiti je veliko hvala gostoljubivom narodu Prishtine
i glavnom sponzoru ovog projekta! (Darko Budna)
According to BBC - 50 Cent played
concert in Kosovo
US rapper 50 Cent has performed a concert in Kosovo to a sell-out
crowd of 25,000 people, becoming the most high-profile artist to play there.
Some fans thought he would not show up as the threat of violence has escalated
with Kosovo set to declare independence from Serbia. Speaking to Reuters before
performing, the 32-year-old said: "I haven't missed a show date in my
career." Riot police were on guard during the gig at a stadium in Pristina.
'Language barriers' 50 Cent - real name Curtis Jackson - said: "I've been
to Iraq. I performed for the soldiers. I've been to Israel. I've been to Beirut.
They actually bombed the week after I left."
He is currently in the middle of a European tour promoting
his latest album, "Curtis". "I won't get a chance to see the
world, like the entire world, unless I go everywhere. I see my music break
through language barriers," he said.
The football stadium in Prishtina is situated between the
ruins of a Serb police station and a railway yard where thousands of Kosovo's
majority ethnic Albanians were deported by Serb troops. 50 Cent, who grew up
in New York and has been shot nine times, added: "I know exactly what
happens when the guns come out. Maybe that's why they (identify) with me." One
fan at the concert, Elza Januzi, said: "I hope that we will have more
opportunities to have more people like him coming and performing in Kosovo.
It's a great, great feeling tonight."