Radikal Dub Kolektiv dub band Zagreb, Hrvatska |
RADIKAL DUB KOLEKTIV je mladi dub bend iz Zagreba, koji je u pocecima navedeni i (ne)definirani stil kombinirao sa utjecajima punkrock, klasicne rootsreggae i ska glazbe, ponekad ga stavljajuci u tranceoidni ambijent. Bend je oformljen u svibnju 2002. godine, cija jezgra je tada okupljala 3 clana, od kojih je vecina vec duži niz godina svirala po raznim bendovima, stilski razlicitih profila, da bi postava uskoro brojala i do 8 osoba, u sljedecim ulogama:
Jacko - gitara Vrx - bas Sheki - sampler, efekti, groovebox Jebiga - bubnjevi Dr. Vax - synth x 2, melodica, glas Korx - sax Bole - sax Damir - sound + efekti
U kratkom vremenu svog postojanja, bend se može pohvaliti kako kreativnom, tako i koncertnom hiperaktivnošcu. Autorski materijal seže do pocetka stvaranja drugog dugosvirajuceg albuma, a u zagrebackom studiju "Kozmo" dovršilo se snimanje prvog, koji je u lipnju 2004. napokon objavljen za mlade izdavacke kuce Zvuk Mocvare i Kingston. Za razliku od materijala predstavljenog na prvom albumu, nove pjesme usmjeruju sastav na konkretniju upbeat-dub-dance-party varijantu. Zbog vrlo uspješnih koncerata, gdje se bend bez vecih problema vec pojavljuje kao nositelj samostalnih veceri, upotpunjavajuci svirku DJ i soundsystem setovima, daljnje ponude stižu u toj mjeri, da zbog ostalih životnih obaveza clanova, sastav cesto mora odga?ati nastupe, dogovarajuci ih i po nekoliko mjeseci unaprijed.
Uz svirku, clanovi RDK su i organizatori mnogih klupskih zbivanja, kao što su npr.: ''Punk-Reggae Fiesta!'' (gostovanja bendova i DJ-a, kombinirajuci ska, punkrock, rootsreggae, dub, rocksteady,...), ''Dub Caffe'' (sessioni bendova + DJ-a, dominacija dub-a + rootsreggae, breakbeat, jungle,...), "Reggaenerator" (posveta korijenima, rootsreggaedub, koncerti + DJ setovi), ''Tribalizer'' (DJ-i + live actovi, hard psychedelic trance), ''Feminizer'' (-//-, što ukljucuje nastupe iskljucivo female DJ-a), te festivala poput "Seasplash Reggae Festivala", "Underwater Overground", "Back to the Woods"...
RADIKAL DUB KOLEKTIV is a young dub band from Zagreb, which in the beginning mixed their (un)defined style with influences of punkrock, classical rootsreggae and ska music, oftenly putting it into the trance ambient. Bend was formed in the May of 2002., then gathered by 3 people, who played and are still playing in different bands, performing various musical styles, and today the line-up works with 8 people, in the following roles:
Jacko - guitar Vrx - bass Sheki - samples, effects, groovebox Jebiga - drums Dr. Vax - synth x 2, melodica, voice Korx - sax Bole - sax Damir - sound + effects
In the short period of its existance, the activities of the band are followed by hyperactivity, on the both levels of creativity and live concerts. The band is already making songs for the second full-length album, while recording of the first one was finished in zagabrian studio "Kozmo" and finally released in the July of 2004. on Zvuk Mocvare/SwampSound and Kingston rec. The band progressed in its musical expression, so the new songs are much more into more defined upbeat-dub-dance-party style. Due to very successful live shows, where the band is already appearing as capable to play all-night, mixing it with DJ sets and soundsystem acts, offers and invitiations arrive in much bigger numbers than the bands' members can manage, so instead of cancelling, shows are already being agreed a few months in advance.
Besides playing, RDK members include organisers of different clubbing happenings, such as: ''Punk-Reggae Fiesta!'' (bands + DJ's, combination of ska, punkrock, reggae, dub, rocksteady,...), ''Dub Caffe'' (bands' sessions + DJ's, domination of dub music + rootsreggae, breakbeat, jungle,...), "Reggaenerator" (the dedication to the roots, live concerts + DJ acts),''Tribalizer'' (DJ's + live acts, hard psychedelic trance), ''Feminizer'' (-//-, what include sets by female DJ's), including annual "Underwater Overground", "Back to the Woods", "Seasplash Reggae", ..., festivals.
Contact / booking & info:
e-mail: zvuk@mochvara.hr www.radikaldubkolektiv.net tel/fax +385 (0)1 6148824 mobil + 385 (0)91 500 3352
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