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- World Of Music - Arhiva 41
Neno & The Cadillac + VIS Lutke
rock and roll party u Domu mladih, Koprivnica. Nastupaju - Rockin'
Neno & The Cadillac + VIS Lutke. Walter Neno Neugebauer
jedan je iz prve generacije zagrebackog rock and rolla 60-tih
koji je odrastao uz Radio Luxembourg. 1962. godine osniva svoj
prvi satav - VIS Kristali, a 1963. godine prelazi u VIS Mladi
sa kojima profesionalno nastupa u rock and roll klubovima Zapadnog
Berlina pod imenom The Mladis. Nastupao je i u Star Clubu u
Hamburgu, gdje su karijeru započeli i The Beatles. 1970. godine
osniva Pink Elefant Set, band
sa kojim nastupa u americkim klubovima diljem Njemacke svirajuci
iskljucivo rock and roll. 1979. godine osniva The Cadillac.
Tokom karijere dijelio je stage sa poznatim rock zvijezdama
kao sto su Roy Orbison, Everly Brothers, Showwaddywaddy, Bobby
Bare, Suzy Quatro, te Eric Burdon & The Animals. Na jedinstvenom
rock and roll partyju koji ce se odrzati u subotu, 11.11.2006.
godine u Koprivnici, uz Walter Nenu Neugebauera & The Cadillac
nastupiti ce i VIS Lutke - prvi autenticni zenski rock and roll
VIS iz Hrvatske i ex YU. VIS Lutke su osnovane davne 1965. godine,
a stage su dijelile sa grupama Bee Gees, The Hollies i The Rockets.
1969. godine su prestale sa radom, da bi se krajem 90-tih ponovo
okupile u gotovo originalnom sastavu koji i danas predvodi jedna
od osnivacica, Mirjana Vukelic - Nguyen.
band Leaf-Fat (SLO) was formed in June 2001. They took off as
a high-school punk-rock band, trying to have fun and play some
music. After fooling around and changing a few members at the
beginning, they finally found the winning combination with the
current line-up in February 2002 and hit the stage with it in
April 2002 for the first time. Punk-rock is what they were sworn
to in the beginning, but after a few turning points, the music
took a shift in direction towards screamo, which is what their
first album "Underworld Kingdom" sounds like (punk
- rock / screamo), and post hardcore. However, it is hard to
label this band with a certain genre, as their music is quite
versatile. All in all, Leaf-fat are the kind of live act that
won’t leave you indifferent. Their energy and power, devotion
and self-confidence on stage will convince anyone who is willing
to see them play, lend them an ear and give them a listen. Currently
they are promoting on concerts their debut album "Underworld
Kingdom". For more info go here:
. (...JG
Rollins' Badbone & Co. has been awarded the 2006 BBC Radio
3 Jazz Award in the Jazz Line Up 'Best Band' category. Dennis
has also been awarded the 'best trombone' prize by the Marstons'
Pedigree British Jazz Awards 2006. Badbone & Co. tours the
UK throughout the year promoting new album Big Night Out! –
Dennis’ funkiest to date. "Big Night Out!" is released
in September 2006. Dennis - hailed by Jazzwise magazine as 'the
most exciting British trombonist for decades...' brings his
unique and exciting approach to the trombone in a repertoire
of groove-based, funky music with jazz overtones. With his excellent
musicians, Dennis Rollins' Badbone & Co. performs music
that appeals to both dancers and listeners. From the blues to
hip hop, funk to soul, the popularity of Badbone & Co. just
grows and grows. Last year's debut performance on the prestigious
Jazz / World Stage at Glastonbury Music Festival cemented the
band's reputation as 'one of the most popular fusion bands on
the UK circuit'. Alongside Dennis' mighty trombone sound and
electronics you can hear former Tomorrow's Warriors star Jay
Phelps on trumpet and flugelhorn, Johnny Heyes on guitar, Zoltan
Dekany on acoustic bass, Alex Morgan on keys and Vidal Juba
on drums. Badbone & Co. has released three critically acclaimed
albums - "Badbone", "Make Your Move" and
"Big Night Out!". For more info go here:
. (...JG
Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
- Koncert u KSET-u
najavljuje koncert u zagrebackom KSET-u. Nakon povratka na scenu
i izlaska novog hvaljenog albuma "Live at…parties",
Overflow su od svibnja 2006. godine odrľali dvadeset i dva koncerta
u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji praceni ovacijama mnogobrojne publike
i kritike. U Zagrebu su zadnji puta nastupili ljetos (2006.)
na Salati, kao predgrupa legendarnim Pixiesima, a da su jednako
dobri i u klupskim prostorima, zagrebacka publika ce se imati
prilike uvjeriti u utorak, 07.11.2006. godine u KSET-u. Kao
predgrupa nastupiti ce nova zagrebacka kontroverzna atrakcija
Casne Sestre. Ulaznice za koncert po pretprodajnoj cijeni od
35 kn mogu se kupiti u CD shopu Dancing Bear i u KSET-u. Na
ulazu ce kostati 40 kn. Klub se otvara u 20 sati, a koncert
pocinje u 21 i 30 sati.
in the early 1980s in the north-east of England four young men
joined forces to embark on a heroic quest - to be one of the
best heavy metal bands around. In 1980 when Dave King (vocals)
Brian Smith (bass), Steve Hardy (guitar) and Ian Thompson (drums)
went into Durham's Guardian studios to record the single, "Burn
This Town", they wanted to be one of the best good-time
rock bands. With a deal from Roadrunner Records, the resulting
album sold well, bringing them to the attention of Kerrang who
said: "These boys wield a mean blade which scythes through
the small label production smog and scratches some genuine excitement
into the grooves." Now in 2005, Dave King has blown the
dust off the original albums, bringing Battleaxe triumphantly
into the 21st Century. Delving into the archives, Dave has rediscovered
a sonic treasure chest of pure gold, providing Battleaxe fans
old and new with the hard hitting sound they want. Remastered
and revamped, Battleaxe proves their licence to rock remains
as relevant as it ever was. For more information visit web site
of the band:
. (...JG
01. do 05. novembra 2006. godine u Sarajevu ce se odrzati Deseti
medjunarodni muzicki festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2006. U toku
pet dana festivala, bit ce odrzano 14 koncerata na 4 festivalske
scene, a predstavit ce se muzicari iz 17 zemalja. Nastupaju:
Dejan Terzic i ansambl Underground, Cristin Branco, Richard
Bona Group, Xenophonia - trio Bojana
Zulfikarpasica, Joao Bosco Group, Gonzalo Rubalcaba i Dhafer
Youssef, The
Grande Mothers Re:Invented, Dennis
Rollins' Badbone & Co., Nils Petter Molvaer i Markus
Stockhausen. Pored koncerata u okviru pratecih programa bit
ce odrzana i radionica za djecu predskolskog uzrasta. Ulaznice
za 10. Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2006. mogu se rezervirati od 02. oktobra
2006. godine putem Interneta na zvanicnoj stranici festivala na kojoj
mozete pronaci vise informacija o programu i ucesnicima festivala.
Za vise informacija obavezno pogledati:
ce pocetkom 11. mjeseca 2006. godine, tocnije od 02.11.2006.
do 05.11.2006. godine ponovno biti veliki svjetski centar jazz
scene, ponovnim odrzavanjem Zagreb Jazz Festivala (JazZG 06).
Mjesto odrzavanja biti ce Kino dvorana Studentskog centra u
Zagrebu, a u goste nam stizu nitko drugi do Joe Lovano Nonet,
James Blood Ulmer & Memphis Blood Blues Band sa Vernon Reidom
(ex - Living Colour!), Pee Wee Ellis Assembly i velicanstveni
Wayne Shorter sa svojim kvartetom! Mozete li zamisliti jazz
specificniji od ovog? U narednom periodu ovaj vas omiljeni web-site
ce vas na vrijeme obavijestiti o svim ostalim vaznim, vaznijim
i manje (ali i ne toliko manje) vaznim pojedinostima ovog festivala.
Vazno je znati - ulaznice su vec u predprodaji i variraju od
150 do 200 kuna (na dan koncerta za nekih 50 kuna vise). I sigurno
je - prema ogranicenom kapacitetu dvorane - trazit ce se karta
vise. Zato pozurite!
Puli se od 02.11.2006. do 04.11.2006. godine odrzava 3. Anti-Fa
Fest. Taj festival pokrenut je 25.12.2004. godine kao jasan
otpor nacionalizmu, naci-fasizmu, rasizmu i svim ostalim diskriminirajucim
idejama na koje danas mozemo naici. Nastao prvenstveno kao reakcija
na brutalne pokusaje ubojstva dvoje posjetitelja MMC-a Rojc,
u studenom 2004. godine, od strane desno orijentiranih radikala,
sa vremenom prerasta svoje okvire hc / punk koncerta i nastoji
se ustaliti kao zimski festival edukacije svih koje to zanima
u svrhu objektivnog prikazivanja problematike koja se veze uz
prije navedene "tumore" drustva. Sve iscrpnije informacije
o ovogodisnjem izdanju festivala (opisi programa, kontakti bendova,
ostale korisne informacije...) slobodno potrazite na sluzbenom
web siteu festivala koji se nalazi na adresi,
a sve upite u vezi festivala slobodno posaljite na e-mail
Autor: Dean NIP, Pula, Hrvatska.
A Kitschme - Uzivo u Sarajevu
A Kitschme - uzivo u Sarajevu !!! Petak 04.11.2006. godine SA
Club, Sarajevo organizuje koncert beogradskog benda Disciplin
A Kitschme. Ulaz - 10 KM u pretprodaji, 13 KM - na vratima kluba.
Posle 23 godine postojanja, raznolikih postava i oblika grupe,
pa cak i promene teritorije delovanja, lider i osnivac sastava
Disciplin A Kitschme, basista i vokalista Koja, prosle (2005.)
godine je u Beogradu reaktivirao grupu u novoj postavi, u kojoj
su, osim njega, Buca - bubanj, vokal i Manja - vokal. Grupa
je u maju 2005. godine snimila novi singl "Politicari +
virusi" (kao najavu svog buduceg albuma cije snimanje uskoro
zapocinje) i drzala koncerte po teritoriji bivse Jugoslavije,
od kojih je energicni, 75-minutni nastup na Main Stageu 4-tog
dana Festivala Exit 2005 (odrzanog 10.07.2005. u Novom Sadu),
objavljen u DVD formatu marta 2006. godine (Disciplin A Kitschme:
Uzivo sa Egzita / Live at Exit, PGP RTS, 2006). Danasnju Disciplin
A Kitschme, prema Kojinim recima, karakterise sublimacija svih
iskustava prethodnih postava, kao i nova energija koju grupa
nestedimice isporucuje na koncertima. Kojin povratak na mesto
glavnog vokala u grupi, kao I brizljivo probrana set-lista,
sastavljena od novih, starih i najstarijih hitova grupe, bez
obzira na jezik na kome se peva, garantuju dobar provod.
Autor: Predrag Ivanovic, Beograd, Srbija.
Split, HR - Aktivnosti
novosti stizu iz tabora splitske metal grupe Vega! Novi materijal
je snimljen i u fazi je miksanja. Materijal je sniman tokom
ljeta 2006. godine i to uglavnom u kasnim nocnim satima. Snimanje
je vrseno u Splitu tako da je samo snimanje bilo pod vecom kontrolom
nego za vrijeme snimanja ranijih materijala, a i bilo je mnogo
vise mjesta eksperimentiranju. Na albumu se, takodjer, pojavljuju
i razliciti gostujuci vokalisti i glazbenici. Sam album je neusporedivo
zesci i mracniji od prethodnika i vise ce nego opravdati ove
zadnje dvije godine ulozene u njegovo stvaranje. Koliko je namjenjen
fanovima metala s uhom naklonjenijem modernom metalu, tako je
i usmjeren ka opravdavanju vjere i podrske koju su clanovima
grupe Vega stari fanovi konstantno pruzali. Jos malo i grmljavina
se nastavlja... Vise informacija ima na web adresi:
(Foto: Ivana Kragic).
Autor: Drazen Markotic, Split, Hrvatska.
i Sol - Povratnicka turneja
Anniversary Tour 2006" naziv je velike povratnicke turneje,
za neke i najveceg benda s prostora ex-YU prostora, Leb i Sol,
koji su svoj posljednji koncert odrzali u solunskom klubu Mylos,
13.12.1995. godine. Sad, nakon 11 godina mirovanja, originalna
postava, koju cine: Vlatko Stefanovski - gitara (na slici),
Bodan Arsovski - bas gitara, Kokan Nikola Dimusevski - klavijature
i Garo Tavitjan - bubnjevi, predstavila je plan svoje predstojece
turneju koja ce se sastojati od deset koncerata u devet gradova
Hrvatske, Makedonije, BiH, Srbije i Slovenije: 18.11.2006. -
Spens, Novi Sad; 19.11.2006. - Sava centar, Beograd; 20.11.2006.
- Sava centar, Beograd; 24.11.2006. - Borik, Banja Luka; 26.11.2006.
- Dvorana Gripe, Split; 28.11.2006. - Dom sportova, Zagreb;
29.11.2006. - Dom mladosti, Rijeka; 02.12.2006. - Zetra, Sarajevo;
09.12.2006. - Hala Skopskog sajma, Skopje i 12.12.2006. - Hala
Tivoli, Ljubljana. Tokom priprema za slavljenicku turneju, bend
je snimio i novu pjesmu - "Raspukala Sarplanina".
Snimka koncerta benda Leb i Sol nastala u Ohridu, 02.08.2006.
godine, na drugom od njihova prva dva povratnicka koncerta vec
odrzana u Makedoniji, trebala bi uskoro biti obljavljena u CD
i DVD formatu, a Croatia Records najavila je i reizdanje njihovih
pet albuma, izdanih za nekadasnji Jugoton, upakiranih u box
set. (...JG
"Nova Glazbala" iz Zagreba, 09.11.2006. godine organizirati
ce gostovanje grupe The Grande Mothers (Re:Invented), grupe
s kojom se proslavio Frank Zappa, a sastavljena je redom od
sjajnih glazbenika - Napoleon Murphy Brock, Roy Estrada, Don
Preston, Christopher Garcia + Miroslav Tadic. Urednici casopisa
"Guitar Player", 1997. godine, proglasili su Miroslava
Tadica jednim od 30 svjetskih, najradikalnijih individualnih
gitarista. Tadicevi nastupi i snimke, izmedju ostalih, ukljucuju
suradnje i projekte sa imanima kao sto su: Placido Domingo,
Howard Levy, Vlatko Stefanovski, L. Shankar, David Thorn...
Koncert banda The Grande Mothers (Re:Invented) odrzati ce se
09.11.2006. godine u zagrebackom Klubu Aquarius. Za akreditacije,
interviewe, fotografije i ostale informacije javite se na e-mail:
1982 in Skopje, Garo Tavitjan started playing drums and piano
at early age. His first contact with drums was through his father
Garabet Tavitjan, one of the best drummers on Balkans. He attended
music school in Skopje and studied drums, percussions and piano.
After finishing music school, he received a fellowship from
the prestigious American musical college Berklee College of
music in Boston. From early years he was noticed like extraordinary
talent and hi-potential musician. He has recorded and appearing
and performing at numerous concerts organized within the Skopje
music high school by its orchestra, Jazz ensembles, Pop bands
etc. At the moment Tavitian is working as composer and performer
with Garo & Paramecium band, also with the new Jazz trio
"Tavitjan Brothers" featuring his brother Diran Tavitjan
(Piano) and Dragan Trajkovski (Bass). They released their first
CD called "Tavitjan Brothers Trio" which is also on
international jazz competition organized by SONY in London UK.
Tavitjan Brothers entered among 12 finalist who will have their
track released on SONYJAZZ label. With such an extensive background,
future sure looks well for this extraordinary musician. His
actual album is called "Personal View" (see photos).
For more info go here:
fans from Macedonia had a nice chance to enjoy 10th Anniversary
of celebrated festival that took place in Skopje on July 3rd
and 6th. Participants from USA, Great Britain, France and Serbia
gave inspired performances and proved their status on contemporary
blues scene. The organizers used the premises of an ancient
inn, Kurshumli An for the festival, stage, lightning and sound
were first class which was recognized by all artists and public
as well. Participants were: Point Blank (Serbia) - see photo,
Jimmy D. Lane & The Blue Earth (USA), Jean-Jacques Milteau
Band (F), Dennis Rollins' Badbone & Co. (UK). Weather was
not in the favor of the blues on the opening night, rain stopped
only half of hour before the start, so the expected attendance
was not fulfilled, but those who came (real blues fans) were
in for a treat of great blues! (...JG
124, ...JG
(Rome, Italy) is existing since 1997. They identify themselves
as an Aerosmith Tribute Band, ranging in the old and new hits
by the five bad guys from Boston, paying attention to every
scenic and musical detail of the show. Since 1999 Eurosmith
have got widely recognized even by specialized reviews. "We
got in touch with the Aerosmith Italian Fan Club that showed
its interest and availability and was willing to help. This
brought to a mutual relationship and we got the chance to meet
Aerosmith in person. The 12th of July 1999 a dream came true!!!
On the occasion of the Aeromsmith's Meet and greet in Munich,
Germany, on March 2001, Luca gets in touch with Mr. Tyler. The
poster Of Eurosmith in the hands of Mr. Tyler's was testimonial
in various specialized Rock magazines... For more information
feel free to go here: