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ExYUsingles - Istorijat muzike ex YU
  Barikada - World Of Music - Arhiva 48

 Bluespumpm - Dirty Thirty, open hearts

Bluespumpm öffnet das Herz und vereinigt Musiker / innen aus allen Stilrichtungen wie Blues - Folk - Jazz - Gospel - Rock & Reggae in einer, soweit ich weiß, noch nicht da gewesenen österreichischen Starbesetzung. Und doch ist es Bluespumpm - Musik! 25 Songs gibt es auf diesem Album. 14 neue Songs aus der Feder von den Musikern der Pumpm & 8 Coverversionen, die von der Pumpm und ihren Gästen so gefühlt und interpretiert werden, als wären sie ihre eigenen Songs. Natürlich gibt es auch 3 Bluespumpm - Klassiker auf dem 30iger Album. NEU ist - ein Song in deutscher Sprache, die vertonte Aussage, oder besser gesagt, Lebensweisheit von Oriah Mountain Dreamer. Puristen werden sagen, so kann man das nicht machen, aber die Kunst ist ja grenzenlos. Wenn man die Besetzung liest, brauche ich NICHTS mehr dazu zu sagen, denn diese spricht ja für sich selbst. Auf der CD "Dirty Thirty - open hearts" gibt es dann noch eine Überraschung. 3 Bonus Tracks aus einer Session mit Mick Taylor (voc., guit.) - ex Rolling Stones. Bluespumpm - Die Band: "Zappa" Johann Cermak (voc., harp, guit.), Fritz Glatzl (voc., guit.), Wolfgang Frosch (voc., bass), Peter Barborik (dr.) und Bernd Rommel (dr.). Mehr info: . (...JG 138) .

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Dado Topic i Time otvaraju 23. Sarajevsku zimu

Na pozornici Bosanskog Kulturnog Centra u Sarajevu, 07. februara 2007. godine sa pocetkom u 21.00 sati nastupit ce legendarna hrvatska rock grupa TIME i njen vodja Dado Topic. Organizatori 23. Internacionalnog festivala "Sarajevska zima 2007", pod nazivom "Neki drugi grad", najavili su bogat dnevni sadrzaj na ulicama Sarajeva vezan za ovu manifestaciju. Nakon izvedbi ostalih umjetnika bit ce na platou ispred Skenderije priredjena i zvanicna ceremonija otvaranja ovog sarajevskog Festivala. Nakon nakoliko uspjesnih zajednickih nastupa, Dado Topic je u goste pozvao Irinu Kapetanovic, koju neki novinari zovu"Rock Princezom". Dado i Irina ce u duetu odpjevati cuvenu "Princezu". Sarajlije nisu nikada imali priliku da cuju uzivo ovu nezaboravnu baladu. Za zagrijavanje publike pobrinuce se predgrupa Irina & Storm, a grupa TIME će i ovaj puta nastupiti u sastavu - Vedran Bozic solo gitara i vokal, Ratko Divjak bubnjevi, Dado Topic vokal i bas gitara.

 Autor: Ilija Jovanovic, Koper, Slovenija.
 Steve Slimm, UK - Presentation

Looking back on the world stage through the years we find: Steve aged 2: Drum (mysteriously disappeared!). Steve age 2-and-a-half: Trumpet (consigned to coal-shed). Steve Age of 8: Harmonica (from Grandad Slimm), learned The British Grenadiers etc. Steve aged 11: Banjo (from uncle Den), learned Shepherd of the hills and Chinese laundry blues. Steve at the age of 14: Began love affair with guitar (Rod McCuen songbook, then Ferdinand Sor, Corelli, Mozart, etc.). Steve maturely aged 15: Started writing songs... Steve for the next couple of decades or so: A total closet-muso! (sad bastard!). To be fair: For the last 10 years has occasionally played in local arts clubs etc. (Often wild) classical guitar and flute. Plus even more occasional collaborations with various acoustic and electric set-ups... Steve Slimm was handed the José Gonzalez album, got the general idea that it's OK to just play the guitar and sing, and decided it was about time Steve Slimm actually DID SOMETHING! Three well-heeled songs were supplemented by an avalanche of new material, and in collaboration with violinist extraordinaire Allen Samuel, produced the "Pause for Breath" album. Sadly however, it turns out to be just about the sadest thing youll hear this century (suppose if you knew anything of his recent history youd understand why), but we think things can only improve from here on in (hopefully!). BTW, Steve is also a painter (artist). The pics on his web site are his own work. (...JG 138 + ...JG 139) .

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Rock Otocec 2007 - Najava

Ovogodisnji festival - Rock Otocec (2007) - po prvi puta ce trajati puna cetiri dana. Festival ce zapoceti 05. (cetvrtak) 07.2007. godine, a taj prvi dan festivala ce biti namjenjen iskljucivo mladim demo grupama koje ce na festival doci iskljucivo preko raznih natjecaja koji ce se odrzati u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Austriji, Italiji i Madjarskoj. Na slici - dio atmosfere na festivalu Rock Otocec 2006. Sve informacije mozete naci na sluzbenoj web stranici festivala: .

 Autor: Darko Budna, Koprivnica, Hrvatska.
 5. Mostar Blues Festival - Poziv za ucesce

Organizacioni tim Mostar Blues Festivala zapoceo je pripreme za 5. Mostar Blues Festival i vec ostvario kontakte sa nekim od popularnih blues izvodjaca. U nastojanju da predstavimo sto vise kvalitetnih grupa i autora, pozivamo vas da, ako volite i svirate blues, posaljete svoje snimke na CD-u uz kracu biografiju i kontakte. Organizacioni tim ce tako steci bolji uvid u aktuelnu blues scenu i odabrati autore i grupe koji sviraju dobar blues. Svoje snimke mozete slati na adresu: Muzicki Centar Pavarotti, Ul. M. Tita br. 179, 88000 Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina (sa naznakom - Za Mostar Blues Festival). Ako na web siteu festivala zelite imati svoju reklamu, ako zelite postati sponzor ovog humanitarnog blues festa ili pomoci na bilo koji nacin, javite nam se. Vise info ima na .

 Autor: Mili Tiro, Mostar, BiH.
 Mario Tomic, ST, HR - Aktivnosti

Na jednom od tri koncerta odrzana u Hrvatskoj svjetski poznatog gitarskog fingerpicking virtouza iz Australije, Tommy Emmanuela, koji je odrzan u splitskoj Lori, kao prvi gost tog koncerta nastupio je hrvatski gitarista instrumentalist - Mario Tomic. Mario je publici predstavio tri nove kompozicije sa svog novog albuma "Acoustic Diary". Album je u akusticno instrumentalnom jazzy rock smjeru. Mariov prvi album, "Mario Tomic", izasao je u Americi za G9 Records. Ako ste zainteresirani cuti kako zvuci muzika koju radi Mario Tomic, predlazemo da posjetite: .

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Tommy Emmanuel u KD Vatroslav Lisinski, Zagreb - Izvjestaj

Tommy Emmanuel – gitaristicki fingerpicking virtuoz iz Australije – odrzao je u nedjelju, 21. sijecnja 2007. godine koncert u Zagrebu, u KD Vatroslav Lisinski! Tommy Emmanuel je, uz covere pjesama raznih izvodjaca, izvodio je i vlastite pjesme: "The Mistery", "Rubby's Eyes", "Questions Song", "The Digger's Walz", "Initiation", "Cowboy's Dream", "Guitar Rag"... Poseban gost na ovom koncertu bio je Massimo Savic koji je uz Tommyjevu pratnju na gitari izveo nekoliko evergreena. Mjesajući mnoge gitarske tehnike, Tommy je izgradio svoj vlastiti fingerpicking stil koji virtuozno primjenjuje na ozvucenoj akusticnoj gitari uz pratnju perkusionih zvukova nadahnuto i temperamentno proizvedenih tokom sviranja. S obzirom da je koncertna dvorana bila prepuna - odmah je najavljen i drugi, izvanredni koncert, za utorak (23.01.2007. godine)! Ne propustite tu priliku ukoliko volite zvuk gitare i ukoliko cijenite istinske gitarske virtuoze.

 Autor: Darko Budna, Koprivnica, Hrvatska.
 Dom Mladih - Klub Palma, Tuzla - Zoster (03. feb. '07) + Retro (02. feb. '07)

Na sceni tuzlanskog Doma Mladih - Klub Palma, najavljen je za subotu 03. februara 2007. godine, od 21 h., koncert mostarske grupe Zoster. Ulaz 5 KM. Koncert je ujedno promocija njihovog drugog CD-a, "Festival budala", i zasluzuje posebnu paznju. Podrzimo i grupu koja postize zavidne uspjehe na BiH urbanoj muzickoj sceni. Clanovi benda Zoster su: saksofonista Boris Gutic, gitarista Atilla Aksoj, basista Marko Jakovljevic, bubnjar Goran Rebac i frontmen Mario Knezovic. Isto tako, u petak 02. februara 2007. godine, tuzlanska grupa Retro, sastavljena od starijih muzicara (prof. Divjak, Tedo, Mire, Ado Arthur, Kole...) i koji sviraju covere domace muzike iz 80'-90', imaju svoj treci nastup na sceni Doma Mladih - Klub Palma. Oni predstavljaju pravo osvjezenje na tuzlanskoj urbanoj muzickoj sceni za sto je dokaz stalno povecanje posjecenosti njihovim koncertima.

 Autor: Maid Porobic, Tuzla, BiH.
 The Howlin' Gaels, UK - Biography

The Howlin' Gaels began their musical journey over two decades ago in a remote town called Thurso in the Scottish Highlands, it was there that they raised a storm that was soon to be felt all across the UK and beyond. The Howlin' Gaels have toured almost constantly throughout their musical career, raisin' the rafters at some of Britain's most prestigeous venues and shakin' the very foundations of the blues as we know it. Their latest album "Lonely Road" (see left - photo of album's cover) saw a Howlin' Gaels who had become true masters of their music with well crafted tracks that would satisfy the most die hard blues and rock fans. 2007 will mark a new and exciting chapter for the Caithness veterans of rock, and so the story continues and the music lives on. A live performance of the Howlin' Gaels is something everyone should experience and something nobody should miss, so turn your gaze to the North and brace yourself. The Howlin' Gaels are coming your way! For more info visit: . (...JG 137).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Ivo Robic - In memoriam

Dana, 29.01.2007. godine, posebno cemo se sjetiti gospodina Ive Robica, najuspjesnijeg pjevaca zabavne glazbe, skladatelja i tekstopisca na prostorima bivse Jugoslavije. Povod je 29.01.1923. godine, datum njegovog rodjenja. Gospodin Ivo Robic, da je ziv, sigurno bi nas i dalje odusevljavao svojim pjesmama, kao sto je to radio sve do svoje smrti (09.03.2000. godine). O njegovim uspjesima u cijelom svijetu i milijunskim tirazama ploca, vjerujem, nije potrebno vise govoriti. Pjevao je na engleskom, talijanskom, francuskom i njemackom jeziku i to isto tako dobro kao i na svom maternjem, hrvatskom. Pjevac je cija se dikcija i razumljivost pjevanja, sa sigurnoscu tvrdim, nikada nece biti dostignuti. Sa veseljem i velikim nestrpljenjem se ocekuje izlozba posvecena gospodinu Ivi Robicu koja se priprema u Muzeju Grada Zagreba i koja treba biti otvorena 30.05.2007. godine.

 Autor: Damir Tomic, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
 King George & Harlem Kiddies, USA - Biography

A black singer George Clemons had created quite a remarkable career in the USA before moving to Sweden in the last part of the 1960s. "King" George was born in Virginia but moved to New York in the early 1960s, and started singing at Harlem night clubs such as Apollo. He worked now and then with Don Covay & the Goodtimers, and even appeared on Covay's hit single "Mercy Mercy" in 1964. He was also involved with the King Curtis Band, which got him to make friends with young Jimi Hendrix. King George's solo career started with single release "Drive On James", where he was accompanied by part of the Ray Charles Band including Bernard "Pretty" Purdie on drums. Along with King George, concurrently the Harlem Kiddies' music style stabilized into a combination of soul, jazz, pop and rhythm 'n' blues. Their homebase was in Denmark, and almost all their recordings were recorded and released there. The group toured around Scandinavia until breaking up in 1968. One of their concert highlights was to open for Jimi Hendrix in Copenhagen. For more info visit: . (...JG 137).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Umro Denny Doherty, clan grupe The Mamas & the Papas

Mississauga, Ontario (AP) - Denny Doherty, jedan od cetvorke The Mamas & the Papas, umro je u petak (19.01.2007.) u 66-toj godini. Njegova sestra Frensis Arnold objavila je kako je preminuo poslije krace bolesti u svom domu u gradicu Mississauga, zapadno od Toronta. The Mamas & the Papas su ostali upamceni kako po velikim hitovima "California Dreamin'" i "Monday, Monday", tako i po izuzetno harmonicnom slaganju glasova. Uvrsteni su u muzeje slavnih grupa proslog vijeka. U zivotu je od clanova te grupe danas ostala samo jos Michelle Phillips. Denny Doherty je karijeru poceo u Montrealu, 1960-te kao 19-godisnjak, osnivajuci folk grupu "The Colonials". Uspjeli su potpisati ugovor s kucom Columbia Records, a onda promijenili ime u "The Halifax Three". Izbacili su ne mnogo zapazen, ali ipak, hit, "The Man Who Wouldn't Sing Along With Mitch". Ironicnom koincidencijom, raspali su se 1963. godine u hotelu istovjetnog naziva od kojeg su i poceli: "The Colonial"...

 Autor: Caslav Vujotic, Podgorica, Crna Gora.
 Poppy Seed Grinder u BiH - Tuzla (31. jan. '07) + Sarajevo (01. feb. '07)

U okviru svoje Euro turneje, ceski bend Poppy Seed Grinder (brutal grinding death metal / HC - Prag, Czech Republic, sa postavom: Cifron - vokali, Yarda - gitare, Ondrej - gitare, Jiri - bubnjevi, Otman - bas) nastupati ce i u Bosni i Hercegovini i to: Tuzla - Klub Palma, srijeda 31. januara 2007. godine od 20:00 (Ulaz: 3KM) i Sarajevo - Klub Bock, cetvrtak 01. februara 2007. godine (Ulaz: 5KM + 3KM konzumacija) od 20:00 sati. Kao gosti ce nastupiti bendovi Ormus (melodic death metal - Sarajevo, BiH) i Flatline (metal core - Sarajevo, BiH). Vise informacija: Hidden Throne, Extreme Metal Magazine & Promotion.

 Autor: Adnan Hatic, Tuzla, BiH.
 Lazar Laza Ristovski - 51. rodjendan

Legendarni klavijaturista grupa Smak i Bijelo Dugme, Lazar Laza Ristovski, ovih dana proslavlja svoj 51. rodjendan! U estradnom smislu bio je najsvestraniji clan grupe Smak. U taj sastav je dosao 1975. godine i odmah je postao vazan oslonac Radomira Mihajlovica Tocka i Slobodana Stojanovica Kepe - prvenstveno kao svirac na Hammond orguljama, a kasnije i na sintisajzerima. Takodje, veoma je poznat po koriscenju mini Moog instrumenta. Kao veliki sluhista, uspjesno je nadogradio zvuk grupe Smak, u harmonskom i melodijskom smislu. Najupecatljiviji doprinos je svakako pruzio na albumu "Zasto ne volim sneg". Vise od 10 godina uzastopno proglasavan je za klavijaturistu godine u anketi lista "Pop Express". Godine 1984. postaje muzicar godine u anketi hrvatskog casopisa "Vecernji list". A 1988. godine osvaja nagradu kao aranzer, producent i klavijaturista godine, po misljenju listova "TV Novosti" i "Novosti 8". 1998. godine dobija i "Kristalnu Prizmu" za muziku u filmu "Necista krv".

 Autor: Ilija Jovanovic, Koper, Slovenija.
 Big Brother, Tuzla, B&H - Rock / pop band

Big Brother is rock / pop band formed in 2000. In this band played many great musicians of Bosnia and Herzegovina like: Emir Hot, the man who started this band, Amel Curic, Samir Sinanovic Same, etc. We've been working with current members for last 2 years. Recently we've recorded our first demo, "Sam" (music, lyrics by Bobo, arranged by Ferid Hukic Feca) in our hometown Tuzla. Our commitment to the band and related stuff is what keeps us together, but we all have different life style, taste in music and also what we do for living. Currently, we can be seen playing in Tuzla's clubs as Flamenco, Underground, Cvjecara... Band members are: Slobodan Brcic Bobo - guitars; Senad Ajanovic Sencho - vocals; Adnan Hadzic Ado - drums; Jasenko Isakovic Ise - bass. For more info visit: . (...JG 137).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
 John Hunter Phillips, USA - Biography

The first thing you hear when you listen to John's music is the Beach Boys influence. John studied music at the University of Miami. A musician all his life, from a family of musicians, he had his own band in sixth grade, then another through high school, and others for several years thereafter. John sang on stage with the Beach Boys nine time; and if you search through the gallery on his website for photos of those events, you will see his soul shining from the joy of it. John is most alive when he's singing. He needs to make music to stay happy. In 1999, after spending hours putting his unique voice on the harmonies, John had recorded enough to put out his first CD, "Diamonds on the Beach". That CD contains 16 songs, all winners. When you listen to the samples, or to the CD itself, notice the voice range. That's all John. John released his second CD, "It's About Time", in 2006. This CD contains 18 recordings. Three of the songs are originals by John, and they're excellent. Two of the songs are by Beach Boy alumnus Billy Hinsche (those arrangements are John's, by the way) and one is by Brian Wilson side man, Jeffrey Foskett. There is one selection by Jim Oliver, and one by Dion DiMucci. The rest of the recordings are Beach Boys songs. For more info visit band's official web site: . (...JG 136 + ...JG 137).

 Autor: Dragutin Matosevic, Tuzla, BiH.
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Davor Matosevic - videos
Reklamno mjesto 5
Rock Otocec 2010
Reklamno mjesto 6
Web portal Pljuga
Reklamno mjesto 7

Andjelko Jurkas (HR) - Bez rocka trajanja (Knjiga + CD)
Reklamno mjesto 8
Gary Talley (USA) - Guitar Playing for Songwriters
Reklamno mjesto 9

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